Which Kitchen Style Is Best For You?

Which Kitchen Style Is Best For You?

Kitchen remodeling is a laborious, daunting task that can strike fear into even the most seasoned homeowner’s heart. There are so many personal factors that need to be taken into consideration: Will it be easy to clean all the messes left behind by the kids? Is it...

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Alternative Choices For Roofing Materials

Alternative Choices For Roofing Materials

The most common choices for roofing materials are standard tiles like asphalt, slate, clay, and synthetic options. While these materials have become traditional, widely used choices over time, there are plenty of other options out there that can meet your aesthetic,...

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What You Need To Know About Vinyl Flooring

What You Need To Know About Vinyl Flooring

Flooring materials have grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. Materials that were once thought to be tacky and one-dimensional have taken on new life with new possibilities. One such material is vinyl, which has become a favorite of contractors and homeowners...

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How To Create The Perfect Mudroom

How To Create The Perfect Mudroom

It’s a wonder that mudrooms aren’t required rooms in every home. What is a mudroom, you might be wondering? It’s essentially a small entryway or room that’s designed to serve as a space to remove shoes, jackets, and other outerwear before entering a home. Not only are...

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Essentials for an Efficient Home Office

Essentials for an Efficient Home Office

More people now than ever are working from their homes. The numbers have risen greatly in the past decade for several reasons. Many professional fields have opted to allow employees to work outside of a traditional work environment, and additionally, more people are...

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5 Types Of Ceiling Fans For Your Home

5 Types Of Ceiling Fans For Your Home

In times of intense and unrelenting heat, ceiling fans can quickly become a homeowner’s best friend. They allow homeowners to avoid running the air conditioning for long periods of time, which saves on energy costs while maintaining a comfortable temperature in and...

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8 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool During A Heat Wave

8 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool During A Heat Wave

The two most feared summer words used together are arguably “heat” and “wave.” When used with one another, these words often give off a feeling of intense dread about the hot days that are to come. Even if your home does have functioning air-conditioning, there are...

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5 Ways To Spruce Up Your Bathroom

5 Ways To Spruce Up Your Bathroom

No matter how well-designed or decorated your home is, there will come a time where your house will need a little pick-me-up. Before jumping headfirst into a kitchen, basement, or bedroom, it might be best to test out a bathroom or two to see if you’re ready to fully...

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